A message from our president

Hi, my name is Amber Arnold, and I am beyond excited to serve as the chapter President of Alpha Delta Pi at Arizona State University. Our chapter was founded nationally on May 15, 1851 and was founded here at the university on October 15, 1950. We have six lovely lfounders and our symbol is the four pointed diamond.

Alpha Delta Pi’s open motto is “We live for each other”. With this motto, it means that we are always thinking of our sisters when working towards our goals and achievements. Our philanthropy that we support locally and nationally is the Ronald Mcdonald House of Charities. We are fortunate enough to have three houses in the Phoenix area that er are able to support on a local level.

My college experience has truly been enriched by Alpha Delta Pi. I came home to this chapter three years ago, and the girls I have met have shown me nothing but love, support, and what being a family is truly about. Being an out of state student was scary for me at first, but once I joined this chapter I was able to meet girls who have become my best friends and have helped me feel like home is not so far away. These girls have invited me to holiday dinners, vacation trips, and have been through me throughout all the ups and downs. I would not be the woman that I am today without the lovely ladies of Alpha Delta Pi.


Amber Arnold


Meet some of our sisters and their “Why ADPi”

Logan Higgins

I was an out of state student and was very nervous about coming to college not knowing anyone, so I decided to go through formal recruitment. I met Elizabeth during sisterhood round and we were both from California so we clicked right away. She ended up being my Bid day buddy, and later my big. She made me feel very at home, and everyone else I met I instantly formed a friendship with. So many girls were from out of state which felt very comforting and made me feel like I was not alone. I am so beyond grateful for everything ADPi has done for me, and who it has introduced to me, and I have over a hundred girls who are now all my family.

Izzy Price

I loved being an Adpi from the moment I stepped into my first chapter meeting. However, my why Adpi didn’t happen until a few months after initiation. On one of the scariest and loneliest nights of my life, I found myself in the middle of campus with nowhere to go. I started walking towards the ADPi house because it was the only place I felt would be safe and I knew no matter who was sitting downstairs on the couch they could help me. I started walking no more than 10 steps when I ran into another sister and even though she was running late she sat with me for 10 minutes, calmed me down, and texted another girl to wait for me at the house. I knocked on the front door and two girls who I did not know very well yet opened the door and they held me in their arms until they knew I was okay and was going to be safe. At least four girls offered their beds to me that night and I knew without a doubt in my mind I would always be safe in the four walls of our Adpi house because of the people who live there. I am an Adpi because I know that these girls will always keep me safe and loved.

Gabriela burnett

I am a transfer student at ASU and affiliating with the Gamma Rho chapter of Alpha Delta Pi made the transition a lot easier for me. I was able to find a hinge very easily and quickly at ASU because of ADPI.